Friday, June 14, 2013


So mommy took me to the doctor last week because I have said my head hurts and continuosly rub/fluff the back left side of my head/hair. Everything seemed fine at the check up (no seizures, vomiting, weight loss), but the doctor wanted to have an MRI done to double check. She is worried about my age and that a two year old shouldn't say his head hurts. They originally scheduled the scan for the end of the month, but a cancellation happened and we were fit in today. I have to be put to sleep for the scan, so I couldn't eat after 5:30am. Daddy woke me at 5:00 to feed me breakfast and I was out by 10:00.

This worked out well (perfectly, actually) because we had to leave the house by 1:00 (which would be in the middle of my nap on a normal day). Instead, I took an early nap and we were easily able to leave by 1. Here I am on the bed waiting for them to take me back:

I did great. The nurse came back and I went with her without crying. Mommy and daddy had to wait in the waiting room, but they came and got them as soon as I started waking up. I was crying when they came back because I woke up too soon (from another baby crying). Mommy finally got me calmed down and I drank a cup of juice. Since I was doing so well, they took my IV out, but that made me start crying again. We got to go home immediately after the IV was out. And I was my ol' self again within minutes. :) Now we wait for the results.

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